Thanks for the follow, @katierosemason! I checked out your blog, and it looks like you’ve got some cool photography skills going on yourself. I liked the photo session with Charlotte & Leah. Keep up the good work! I’m following you back. πŸ™‚

After posting last night and continuing work on my quilt kit, I found another set of instructions that had been tucked deep inside the package:


I’ll admit, I was kinda frustrated at myself: I totally should have known to pre-wash the fabric! Now I’m torn between washing the fabrics I haven’t yet cut, the appliques that I just painstakingly cut out last night, and –if I do both– considering what the final results will be on my once-in-a-lifetime quilt project. Stay tuned to find out.

I shouldn’t have expected this to go ‘perfect’, right? What’s something that hasn’t gone perfectly for you? Email me at or post a comment below.